Wednesday, January 2, 2013

fairies =)

I love the Fey, the Fair folk. 

A is also for Aries

A is also for Aries

that is my sun sign, my other signs are:

Moon- Sag
Rising- Aqua
Chinese- Boar
Mercury- Aries
Venus- Taurus
Mars- Aries
Jupiter- Sag
Saturn- Scorpio
Uranus- Sag
Neptune- Sag
Pluto- Libra

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ard Faidhe


So in addition to wanting to be a Gythia in Asatru I also want to be an Ard Faihe, which is a member of the triune counsel for a Druidic Grove (think coven only druids)

Ard means arch, as in arch bishop or arch nemesis, and Faidhe means seer. In Druidry your levels and path of study are likened unto a tree. (Trees being sacred because they transverse all three realms of sea, land and sky) The charting of your course helps one see the path that they are taking in study, provides focus and also helps chart progress.

Me and my brother Scarred Spirit are new dedicants to the Grove of the Nine Silver Hazels. We were dedicated at Yule, by our mentor and champion, Ivy. We held ritual and celebrated the Druid version of Yule called Mean Geimhridh which is the Irish way of saying it. Scarred Spirit and I met in a class held by the grove, and knew that we had to have been siblings before and since, he has called me big sis, and I to him little bro. We were equally matched throughout the class, which was essentially Druidry 101. We even missed the exact same class because we were at another ritual that day together.

Anyway sooooo off topic, back to the tree and the paths and the goal. On the tree that we are using to progress there are two branches that we are able to choose (or have choose us) Hazel and Alder. Hazel belonging to the Seer and Healer, and Alder belonging to the Poet and Historian. I want to tread up the branch of Hazel. I already read scarily accurate tarot, have success with the use of a pendulum and own three sets of Runes. I also have dreams and visions. I tend to have "called it" when it comes to the uncertain future. I want to develop that gift. Maybe I'll actually learn how to read my runes, and how to use the Oghm.

I am also excited to learn the medicinal uses of several herbs. I love making people feel better. Last night at the New Years party I was at, I dispensed over the counter Pepto Bismol tablets to two upset tummys. Think how awesome it will be when I can do that with essential oils and herbs and roots. I can't wait to learn those things.

So here's to the future. (though not to forget my past and present)


too long away.

I created this blog with the intention of writing every day or every couple of days, or atleast once a week. In the end I only posted one post. Hopefully I will change that and move forward with the

I found this from my dear friend's fiancee (whom I hope to become great friends with too someday.)

this is her blog:

I don't really get tumbler, but blogger makes more sense to me. So here we go friends, pagans, wiccans, druids, kindred, folk, ancestors, gods, goddesses, elements, realms, heathens and whatever else I am forgetting.